American lamb.  Proud to be raised here in the great United States.  Yet, how many of us really take the time to appreciate this homegrown delicacy?           Not many of us. 

With that being said, I have a meeting coming up with The American Lamb Board Committee late next month.  I would really appreciate some information prior to the meeting.  

This should help the lamb industry continue to improve upon and develop products that we, the consumer, prefer.

So I am asking a few questions and would like you to simply reply by typing your answers in the comment section below.  Strictly confidential. 


1 ) Do you eat lamb more than once a month? (answer yes or no)

2) If answer to question 1 is YES then skip this question and move on to question 3.  If NO, than please briefly explain why you do not. 

3) What could the lamb industry do to help you increase your consumption? 

4) Please add any additional comments. 


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